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Manchester Women's Network (MWN) has secured funding from the Community Learning Chest to run a women's empowerment course for community groups.

The programme, available from 1st June onwards, has been created by a team with many years' experience of designing and facilitating fun and imaginative workshops for women.

This course aims to develop confidence and skills as well as leading participants in reflection on what it means to be a woman in today's society.

The course will address:

  • Gender awareness: what is gender? nature or nurture?
  • Role models and aspirations
  • Women and society
  • Women in the media
  • Building confidence and self-esteem

    Translation and signing can be arranged.

You can choose to have two or three-hour workshops, daytime or evening. The course can be tailored to one, two, or three sessions, over the time period of your choice.

To book a place, please contact:

T: 0161 833 8835

Supported by Museums, Libraries and Archives Council

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