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Preservation Workshop

A session for mountaineering/climbing club honorary archivists/ librarians to learn how best to preserve material in their care.

Are you responsible for records, historically important equipment or an archive belonging to your club or do you have your own personal collection? Do you want guidance on the best way to ensure its long-term preservation? If so, Maxine Willett, archivist with Mountain Heritage Trust, will be hosting a workshop advising on the basic care of archive, artefact and library materials.

The day will begin by defining terms and making participants aware of professional good practice used for the long-term preservation and conservation of primary sources in museums and archives. We will then look at what simple measures can be taken to ensure that deterioration of material is halted or reduced. Information will be supplied as to where to obtain resources that will assist you in this task.

The afternoon consists of a practical hands-on session, where we will look at how to preserve material from the mountaineering world. This will give attendees the opportunity to discuss any specific issues they are having; or, indeed, to bring along any items for which further advice is required.

To book your place please contact Maxine Willett on:

T: 01768 840911

Supported by Museums, Libraries and Archives Council

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