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Stealing History - A Debate about Museums and Cultural Property

An evening of debate surrounding the issues of repatriation and the origins of museums objects chaired by Director David Fleming.

As part of Black History Month, National Museums Liverpool is hosting an evening of debate and discussion surrounding the issues of repatriation and the origins of museum objects.

Guest speakers include:

  • Piotr Bienkowski - Head of Collections and Academic Development, Manchester Museum
  • Eric Lynch - Local Historian and Tour Guide
  • Rounke Williams - Librarian and Educator
  • Lynne Stumpe - Curator of Oceanic Collections, National Museums Liverpool

Chaired by David Fleming, Director, National Museums Liverpool

Refreshments will be provided. Limited places are available. Reserve your space today by completing the response slip at the bottom of the page and return it to us by Wednesday 28 September 2005.

Related Documents:

Stealing History Invitation
300805StealingHistoryDebateInvitation-MLA.doc (648 KB)  

For more information, please contact:
T: 0151 478 4818

Supported by Museums, Libraries and Archives Council

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