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Initial Teacher Training Workshops

Date: 10 July 2007
Location: Whitworth Art Gallery
Duration: 10am - 3.30pm
Cost: Free

Working with Initial Teacher Training Providers can help museum and gallery professionals build relationships with new teachers and keep a breast of current changes in education. This can enhance the quality of the experiences for the children in both led and self guided sessions.

This workshop will explore methods and models for working with trainee teachers that can be used in any museum or gallery setting. The workshop will bring together museum and gallery professionals and Higher Education Professionals from Initial Teacher Training Organisations to explore ways of working together.

The Whitworth Art Gallery have been developing models for Initial Teacher Training in Museums and Galleries. We have been working with tutors and trainees from the University of Manchester and Chester University. We have developed a successful model for trainee teachers, which has been piloted in five museums in Manchester with the University of Manchester and Chester University trainees. The objective of the generic day for trainee teachers is to participate in learning experiences focused on the unique collections offered in a museum or gallery, with a view to developing their practice as teachers to include these experiences as an integral part of their curriculum planning.

Feedback from trainees and tutors who have already participated in sessions has been extremely positive. We have also used some of the approaches very successfully in sessions held for Newly Qualified Teachers and experienced teachers.

Related Documents:

ITT flyer
ITTflyer1.pdf (757 KB)  

For further information or to book a place please contact:
T: 07906203462

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