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MLA North West board members
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MLA North West board members

MLA North West board of management comprises of up to 16 members. The Chair is appointed by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport. Nine are nominated equally by the museums, libraries and archives domains and six are recruited through open advertisements and appointed by the trustees themselves. Currently MLA North West board members are:

Regional Agency Chair and MLA Board Member

Robert Wand

Libraries North West (LNW) Appointees

Kevin Ellard

Joyce Little

Martin Gaw

North West Regional Archive Council (NWRAC) Appointees

Penny Feltham

Jim Grisenthwaite

Bruce Jackson

North West Federation of Museums & Art Galleries (NWFMAG) Appointees

Jim Forrester

Robin Holgate

Steve Garland

Independent Members

Simon Roodhouse

Virginia Tandy

4 current vacancies

For further information please contact Shirley Bridge, Head of Business Support
T: 01925 625067

Stockton Heath Library Stockton Heath Library
St George's Hall, Liverpool

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