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Corporate information
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Clare Connor, Chief Executive
E: T: 01925 625050

Policy and Partnerships Team

Nathan Lee
Head of Policy
T: 01925 625062

Peter Garden, Regional Advisor
(Jointly funded post MLA North West, NW Museums Hub and Arts Council England)
T: 01925 625052

Policy Advisor
Post vacant

Programmes Team

Madeleine Rogerson,
Acting Head of Programmes
E: T: 01925 625060

Paul Fraser Webb, Museum Development Officer (Standards)
T: 01925 625054

Catriona West, Museum Development Oficer (Renaissance)
(Funded by North West Museums Hub)
T: 01925 625056

Communications Team

Joanne Ledwidge, Head of Communications
T: 01925 625069

Hazel McCormack, Information Officer
E: T: 01925 625070

Business Support Team

Shirley Bridge, Head of Business Support
E: T: 01925 625067

Janice Harwood, Finance Officer
E: T: 01925 625068

Joyce Donnelly, Business Support Officer
E: T: 01925 625057

Jackie Fletcher, Business Support Administrator
E: T: 01925 625066

Diane Rushbrook, Business Support Administrator
E: T: 01925 625058

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