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Job vacancies, tenders & contracts
MLA North West vacancies
Vacancies in the sector


Organisation: National Council on Archives
Location: Anywhere in UK
Salary: Volunteer post
Deadline: 31 July 2006

All of the NCA director positions attract credits towards the Society of Archivists Registration Scheme. They also provide an excellent way of becoming recognised at a national level as a "go-getter" prior to promotion, as well as a high level of personal satisfaction. Training is available and expenses will be paid. Most employers recognise the value of supporting the Council and will allow Directors of the NCA to attend meetings within their work time, but applicants are advised to check in advance with their line managers.

The Treasurer takes responsibility for the finances of the NCA, in conjunction with the Chair and the Policy and Development Officer. The Treasurer also serves on the Executive of the NCA and influences strategy as much as any of the Directors.

To indicate an interest, or for an informal discussion, please contact Ruth Savage, Policy and Development Officer, NCA, in the first instance.

Further information on the work of the NCA is available at and

For further information please contact:
T: (020) 8392 5376

New image St George's Hall, Liverpool
Stockton Heath Library

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