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North West Regional Archive Council

Archive Awareness Campaign

Building on the success of last year’s North West Archives Festival, archives are once again joining together to open their doors even wider to the public. Over 300 events have been organised nationally as part of this autumn’s Archives Awareness Campaign. Led by the National Council on Archives and supported by the MLA North West, the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council and the National Archives, the campaign aims to promote and celebrate the role of archives. The campaign will help to show everyone that they can find something that's relevant to their history in archives.

This year events are being linked to the BBC family history series Who Do you Think You Are? To find out more about this series visit

Archive repositories, libraries and community groups in the region have organised over 48 events, ranging from exhibitions to a historical workshop in a court room.

To register your event visit

Related Links:

For more information about events in the North West 

St George's Hall, Liverpool Stockton Heath Library
Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester

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