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Fulfilling their Potential

Fulfilling their Potential

Fulfilling their Potential is helping libraries connect with a wide range of local partners to engage with as many young people as possible across England. Fulfilling their Potential is run by The Reading Agency and managed by a steering group with representatives from young people, The National Youth Agency, MLA Council, The Association of Senior Childrens and Education Librarians and The Society of Chief Librarians.

Since May 2006, 21 library services across the North West have been working to transform their provision to young people as part of the Fulfilling their Potential North West (FtP NoW) project. The Fulfilling their Potential Improvement Framework has been used as a key tool to support the transformation process. Training events which build staff skills and confidence to involve young people have helped library staff to develop new ideas and approaches.

The aims of the projects are to:

  • Further the main Fulfilling their Potential outcomes for young people
  • Give library staff the opportunity to use and develop their enhanced skills and confidence with young people
  • Develop partnerships with Youth Services and other partners working locally to meet the needs of young people.

The North West authorities have devised a range of projects, addressing between them all of the outcomes identified in the Fulfilling their Potential Improvement Framework.

The outcomes are that young people:

  • Feel the library is accessible, welcoming and value it as a space in the community for them
  • Enjoy reading widely and feel inspired to share their reading with others
  • Feel confident and able to make informed choices about their lives
  • Participate in their community and in wider democratic activity
  • Develop their skills and become confident and motivated learners

MLA North West part funds FtP NoW and has a representative on the steering group.

For further information on the 'Fulfilling Their Potential' project please contact Brenda Read-Brown:

St George's Hall, Liverpool Stockton Heath Library
Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester

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