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Renaissance in the Regions: A new vision for England's museums
Regional Museums' Strategy
Museums Development Fund
The North West Federation of Museums and Art Galleries
What is Renaissance?

Renaissance in the Regions: A new vision for England's museums

In October 2002, the Department for Culture Media and Sport (DCMS) allocated £70m over four years to support the Renaissance in the Regions initiative. Investment from government is enabling regional museums across England to raise their standards and deliver measurable results in support of education, learning, community development and economic regeneration.

A network of nine regional museum hubs has been set up to promote and disseminate good practice. The North West Museums’ Hub has been allocated £2.46m until 2006 to deliver an ambitious programme supporting the development of outstanding and inclusive museums for the region. The hub and MLA North West will be providing advice and support to regional museums, whilst national museums will be sharing their skills and collections.

Related Links:

Renaissance in the Regions 

St George's Hall, Liverpool Stockton Heath Library
Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester

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