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The North West Hub Team

Emma Anderson, NW Hub Project Manager,
T: 0161 235 8822,

I support the Hub museums and galleries in delivering the Renaissance in the Regions agenda: monitoring how they are progressing, building partnerships, sharing information and best practice. We are developing evidence of the impact that the Hub is having, to help lever more support.
At the moment I am working flat out to plan how the Hub will develop from 2006 onwards. I work closely with MLA NW: last year we published Celebrating Our Cultural Heritage, we are now working to deliver this Regional Strategy. The NW Hub works in parallel to MLA NW initiatives, such as Cultural Entitlement and the MDF. We are developing partnerships with Arts Council North West and Creative Partnerships.

Myna Trustram, NW Hub Research Manager
T: 0161 235 8849,

I assist the Hub museums develop as learning organisations, equipped to take on new challenges. I lead a group drawn from each Hub venue, which is championing learning. We are using evaluation and research as tools, guided by the ILFA framework, and evaluating Hub-funded initiatives. I work with agencies to contribute to regional research and to develop partnerships.

Jennie Crawford, NW Hub Support Officer
T: 0161 235 8810,

I provide central administrative support for the Hub, undertaking research and facilitating communication between MLA and museums and galleries in the region. I co-ordinate meetings and events for Hub and related initiatives. One of the most important parts of my job is collecting data from all of the Hub venues. This data shows how many schools, teachers and children are visiting the Hub venues each year.

Stockton Heath Library Stockton Heath Library
St George's Hall, Liverpool

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