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The Big Lottery Fund’s Living Landmarks Grants Programme

27 July 2005

There are a range of grants available between £10 million and £50 million.

You can apply to Living Landmarks if you are:

  • a statutory authority
  • a charity formed as a trust
  • a charitable or not for profit company
  • a public or private limited company
  • an individual with a commitment to form an appropriately constituted and regulated organisation.

Related Links:

For further information and to download an application pack please visit: 

For further details or and an application pack please call:
T: 0845 0 10 11 12.

Please note: MLA North West have discussed working with the Big Lottery Fund to coordinate any bids from the North West and so it would be helpful if you could keep us informed of any bids you are considering.

Information on this can be sent to:

Stockton Heath Library Stockton Heath Library
Stockton Heath Library

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