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Public libraries set to face serious staff shortage

07 September 2005

The MLA survey, based on returns from more than a third of library authorities in England, suggests that around 10,800 new recruits will be needed by 2010.

The survey was undertaken as part of Framework for the Future, the Department for Culture, Media and Sport action plan to improve public library services managed by the MLA .

The picture around the country is fairly constant, although London appears to be worst hit. Here, 36% of staff are due to retire within 10 years.

People interested in working in a library should contact CILIP, or ask for more information through their local public library service.

Finding out about a career in libraries
CILIP: the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals can provide a wide range of help to people considering a career in libraries.

Basic career advice:
Details of jobs currently available:
INFOmatch recruitment agency:
Or for specific queries please email

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