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Comic Relief -UK programme

05 December 2005

Over the next four years Comic Relief are going to be working a bit differently. They want to further focus their energies and the money they have, so they can make an even greater difference to the lives of particular groups of people they think really need their support. This means having fewer grants programmes, and it also means they're going to put their weight behind these by joining forces with others to really tackle the root causes of the problem so they can help bring about lasting change. Of course, they'll continue to fund lots of brilliant projects all over the UK and are really looking forward to working with a wide range of organisations in the years ahead - some new, as well as some that they already know - but all of whom will share their passion for supporting people whose lives are really tough, and helping them to find better times. Red Nose Day programmes 2005-08 - This is their biggest grants fund. It awards some of the money raised from Red Nose Day. During 2005-08 they are concentrating their funding on 6 programme areas: Young people; Older People; Mental Health; Refugees & Asylum Seekers; Domestic Violence; Disadvantaged Communities
They can give grants for running costs and capital costs, depending on the programme you are applying to. There is no maximum grant size and the amount you ask for should be the amount you need. They are likely to make some large grants, and a range of smaller grants of between £15,000 and £30,000 each year. They also have a fast-track application process for small grants up to £5000. If you want to apply for more than £100,000 in total, please phone them before you apply. They usually make grants for between one and three years. In some circumstances, and where they are supporting projects that aim to bring about lasting change, they may consider longer-term funding of up to five years. Please talk to them before you apply for five years funding. Timetable for main grants over £5000 - There will be four grant-making cycles for 2005-2006.
Cycle Application deadline for grants over £5000: Cycle 2 13 January 2006; Cycle 3 5 May 2006; Cycle 4 8 September 2006 You should have a decision within five months of each application deadline. There is no need to rush your application. They will make sure they have funding available for every cycle. They will announce the deadlines for funding cycles in 2007-2008 towards the end of 2006. Remember, you can apply for a small grant at any time. They are likely to close all these grant programmes in 2008 and will give plenty of notice about the exact dates on their website.
Sport Relief grants - In the UK, Sport Relief aims to support projects that use sport and exercise to strengthen communities and provide opportunities for people who are excluded or disadvantaged. Over the next two years, up to £4million of Sport Relief money is being distributed through Community Foundations focusing on community groups that are using sport to: increase access to sport and exercise for people who face social exclusion and isolation; help people who are experiencing difficulties in their lives to regain their confidence and self esteem; and
encourage people to take part in sporting activities that bring communities together.

Please use the map on the website to find out which Community Foundation is funding in your area.

Comic Relief UK, 5th Floor, 89 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7TP
T: 020 7820 5555
F: 020 7820 5500 Minicom: 020 720 5579

Stockton Heath Library Stockton Heath Library
Stockton Heath Library

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