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Growing up Global – Handbook for Early Years Practitioners

19 April 2006

In 12 exciting sections from ‘Me and My Family’ to ‘Making a Story-tent’, from ‘Surprises in South Africa’ to ‘Check out China’, the Handbook encourages young children to look at our world, and the people in it, with respect – so they grow up as global citizens in our increasingly interdependent 21st century world. Includes over 70 activities… a CD… colour photos… weblinks…

Related Documents:

GUG Flyer
GUGflyer.pdf (211 KB)  

For more information please contact Leslee Hopper, Volunteer Recruitment Coordinator, Global Cafe Management Group, RISC, 35 - 39 London Street, Reading, RG1 4PS

T: 0118 958 6692

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