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A new initiative in cultural leadership

24 May 2006

The Clore short courses emerged from the decision of the Chancellor of the Exchequer to provide £12 million over two years from 2006/7 to help raise management and leadership skills in the cultural sector.

These innovative courses – which are based on the highly successful residential element of the Clore Fellowship Programme - will develop and promote the leadership skills of emerging leaders in the cultural sector.

They have been designed for people in the middle ranks of larger cultural organisations or those at or near the top of smaller ones, and who have a minimum of 5 years’ work experience.

Dates and Venues

The following courses are planned for 2006 (Application deadlines indicated in bold type):

2–14 July Ashridge, Hertfordshire - Friday 2 June 2006
8-20 October Easingwold, nr York - Friday 25 August 2006

26 November - 8 December Nottingham University - Friday 13 October 2006

Only one application will be considered from the same cultural organisation for any one

Please visit to learn more about the courses and for details of how to apply.

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