The Big Draw 2006

03 July 2006

Anyone can run a Big Draw event – large organisations, community groups or individual artists. All we ask is that drawing is a major focus and that the Big Draw logo appears on all your promotional materials. Afterwards we encourage you to apply for one of five prestigious £500 Awards so that we can hear about and promote the diverse and imaginative events organisers create.

This year’s season kicks off in London on 24th September with the national launch, Amazing Space at Somerset House – a celebration of drawing, architectural space and London’s riverscape. Campaign patron Quentin Blake and a team of distinguished architects, designers, artists, cartoonists and illustrators will use this spectacular setting – indoors and out – to encourage participants to explore space through drawing. Thanks to new patrons Sir William and Lady McAlpine, and Campaign sponsor Berol, the event will be free to an estimated 7,500 visitors.

Over six years, the Big Draw has won greater recognition for the role of drawing in cultural, educational and community settings. The annual Big Draw offers a wealth of family-friendly activities and encourages active participation by all ages. In 2005, 1400 events took place at 1200 venues: from palaces to parks, national museums to hospitals, universities to nursery schools. The challenge for 2006 is to make The Big Draw even more inclusive by extending its opportunities to new audiences – particularly adults and family groups.

Draw fresh inspiration and find out more about the Big Draw at our website

For further information please contact Katy Fattuhi, Campaign for Drawing
T: 020 8351 1719

MLA North West
Ground Floor, The Malt Building, Wilderspool Park, Greenalls Avenue, Warrington WA4 6HL
Tel: 01925 625050 | Fax: 01925 243453
