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Libraries Fulfilling the Potential of Young People

12 July 2006

The Reading Agency have appointed a Regional Project Manager for the Fulfilling Their Potential project, aimed at improving the involvement of young people (11-19 year olds) in developing library services for young people.

Brenda Read-Brown, will be working with individual library services to assess their needs using the Fulfilling Their Potential Improvement Framework. She will then work with the library to devise a project specifically for them, supported by regional training from the National Youth Agency & NW Regional Youth Work Unit. Another key element of this work is to encourage libraries to share best practice with each other.

Work with children and young people is a priority area of work for MLA North West. Links are already established with the Strategic Commissioning programme, so that the training offered will benefit museums and archives too.

Related Links:

For further details about Fulfilling Their Potential, please visit: 

For further information on the 'Fulfilling Their Potential' project please contact Brenda Read-Brown:

Stockton Heath Library Stockton Heath Library
Stockton Heath Library

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