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Challenge Fund for university/research libraries

04 September 2006

MLA North West is pleased to pass on the following announcement:

The Consortium of Research Libraries (CURL) and the Research Information Network (RIN) recognise the importance of facilitating the discovery of the widest possible range of research materials for the UK research community, as simply as possible. We believe that through encouraging libraries to expose their holdings for this purpose, and providing practical support to enable this, benefits can be quickly delivered to research institutions and researchers alike.

CURL and the RIN have therefore jointly contributed to a 'Challenge Fund' to enhance Copac by significantly extending the range of research material it covers. The Fund is being launched as an open call to libraries with relevant holdings to apply for inclusion in Copac.

Related Links:

Details of the challenge fund can be found by visiting: 

For further information please contact:

Alan Boughey, Libraries Development Officer
T: 01925 625063

Stockton Heath Library Stockton Heath Library
Stockton Heath Library

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