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Key messages for all library staff

19 September 2006

Week One – 2, 3, 4 and 5 October

The Autumnwatch team will be encouraging viewers to take part in the Breathing Places Seed Hunt – events all round the country designed to get people collecting tree seeds. If members of the public ask about this:

  • Point them to to find out about local events– they will be marked with an acorn icon
  • Give them a copy of the Breathing Places booklet. Now A5 and in a simpler format, this has been updated to include new information about Breathing Places grants from the Big Lottery Fund (see more below)
  • Tell them about any Breathing Places events you are running (you will have BBC empty belly posters to advertise these)
  • Show them your Breathing Places book collection if you have one – see under Breathing Places for a booklist and use your Breathing Places stickers

Week Two – 9, 10, 11 and 12 October

The Autumnwatch team will be launching the new Breathing Places grants from the Big Lottery Fund, in particular the chance for a local community to
Win a Wood. If members of the public ask about this, in addition to the above:

  • Give them a copy of the Breathing Places booklet. This includes new information about the Lottery funding on page 4
  • Point them to any information you have about local wildlife groups or other local community organisations

Thank you and good luck!

Related Documents:

Breathing Places
BreathingPlacessnapshotSep06.ppt (130 KB)  

For further information on activities in libraries please contact Genevieve Clarke, The Reading Agency:
T: 0871 750 2104

Stockton Heath Library Stockton Heath Library
Stockton Heath Library

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