Review of impact of museum, library and archive activity on children and young people

13 October 2006

MLA North West (MLA NW), MLA and Renaissance North West have published a “Review of Museums, Libraries and Archives Activity with Children and Young People”. The literature review carried out by the Burns Owen Partnership (BOP) sets out the main strengths, weaknesses and gaps in the evidence base for the sector against current policy for children and young people.

The Literature Review identifies a need for the museum, libraries and archives sector to engage more fully with the main service providers for children and young people in terms of establishing better contacts, relationships and partnerships. It suggests that through a combination of improving evidence and engagement that the sector will be in a position to help shape policy and become a more active and supported partner for children and young people.

The report makes recommendations on how to improve engagement with other public sector partners, particularly within the North West region. It suggests there is a need to better understand and articulate the ‘offer’ that museums, libraries and archives can make towards children and young people’s policy. The report develops a model of the “offer” and maps this in relation to children and young people’s policy.

The executive summary and the full report can be downloaded here.

Related Documents:

Please download the briefing note for a summary of the key findings and recommendations of the report:
briefingCYPreport.pdf (55 KB)  

The Executive Summary can be downloaded here:
060809MLANWCYPFINALExecSummary.pdf (84 KB)  

The full report can be downloaded here:
060809MLANWCYPFINALReport.pdf (588 KB)  

For further information please contact Jane Fletcher, MLA North West:
T: 01768 895778

MLA North West
Ground Floor, The Malt Building, Wilderspool Park, Greenalls Avenue, Warrington WA4 6HL
Tel: 01925 625050 | Fax: 01925 243453
