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Grants and funding for Museums, Libraries and Archives

MLA North West 4 Funding

Grants for museums, Libraries and Archives in the UK come from a variety of sources – European Commission, UK national and regional Government , the Lottery and Charitable Trusts.

Eligibility for funding will depend on the nature of your organisation, the activity or project to be funded and the use to which the money will be put.

MLA North West has provided a free grant funding database (MLA North West 4 Funding)) to enable MLA organisations in the region to search for and identify funding opportunities.

  • You can browse through the different types of grant schemes available or enter brief details of your organisation and project to conduct a Funding Search of the entire database.
  • A good place to start is the Local Support page which gives information on local grant schemes and community support services.
  • To find out more about how funding works there is a comprehensive guide to applying for funding - see the Help and Guidance section on the Funding Search page.

To start your search click on the link appropriate to your organisation:

For Businesses:
For Public Sector organisations:
For Voluntary and Community Organisations:

(the service is entirely free but you will need to complete a simple registration form to view scheme details)

Related Documents:

Directors Group Minutes 11.12.06
Minutes11Dec06ExecutiveGroup.doc (175 KB)  

Stockton Heath Library Stockton Heath Library
St George's Hall, Liverpool

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