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REFLECT Creative Partnerships National co-mentoring programme

Do you want to see creativity at the heart of your organisation?
Would you like space to think and reflect on your practice and exchange ideas with others?
Could you benefit from being paired with another professional who could support you in your work?

Led by The Sage Gateshead, and commissioned by Creative Partnerships, REFLECT is a new national professional development opportunity linking teachers and school staff with individuals from creative and cultural organisations and businesses across England in co-mentoring pairs. Each pair will meet approximately five times and will be supported by face-to-face training, professional development and networking events, to enable then to enhance creativity within their organisations.

REFLECT would be an ideal opportunity for school staff who lead on specific curriculum areas, cross curricula links or community partnerships, SENCO's and faculty heads and professionals from creative and cultural organisations and businesses heading departments, leading key projects or significant areas of work with a focus on creativity or creative learning.

REFLECT and you?
Lifelong learning helps you to respond to the changing environment, enriching your practice and giving you space and support for creative lateral thinking. Being part of a co-mentoring pair will enable you to be more flexible and "can-do", encouraging open communication and the ability to articulate and share your practice as well as develop and sustain innovative partnerships. Your experience in REFLECT will support you and your organisation to make inspirational connections with the wider community in the long term.

It does not cost anything to participate, and schools and organisations will be given a small honorarium in lieu of expenses incurred.

The programme is commissioned by Creative Partnerships in association with the Cultural Leadership Programme.
Creative Partnerships works to give children in schools throughout England the opportunity to develop their potential, creativity and imagination through sustainable partnerships with creative and cultural organisations, businesses and individuals.

If you, or an individual from your organisation, would like to apply for this programme, please fill in the online application form by 11 May 2007 at
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