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Information is power

On 25 April 2007, RNIB launched a series of leaflets called 'Information is Power'. They cover the high street, health services, local government, schools and television and public libraries.

The leaflets look at a number of key areas that show how society can empower blind and partially sighted people and each leaflet identifies five priorities for action.

5 ways libraries can make things better are listed as:

  • Carry a wide range of unabridged audio and large print titles, and supplement the selection through inter-library lending from the public and voluntary sectors.
  • Ensure a Disability Equality Scheme is in place that properly recognises the needs of blind and partially sighted people.
  • Ensure catalogues, reference materials and computers and other equipment is accessible to all users and that staff are trained to provide necessary support.
  • Buy a large print version if only one copy of a book is affordable.
  • Staff should be trained in disability awareness issues and able to offer assistance when it is required.

Related Links:

MDA’s “Documentation for Museum Accreditation” Pages 

Stockton Heath Library Stockton Heath Library
St George's Hall, Liverpool

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