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Liverpool to be party capital in 2007

06 September 2006

Liverpool is getting ready for the biggest birthday party the city has ever seen!

August 28th 2007 marks 800 years since King John signed the city’s first Royal Charter. To celebrate, Liverpool is planning a whole year of events and festivals, commemorating eight centuries on the global map.

Coming just a year before European Capital of Culture, the 800th celebrations also form part of the themed year’s programme leading up to 2008. 2007 is much more than a curtain-raiser for the city’s year in Europe’s cultural spotlight; it’s a chance to remember the role that Liverpool has played in some of history’s most pivotal moments – from slavery to the Second World War.

Liverpool Culture Company would like to hear about events taking place to celebrate Liverpool’s 800th. Log onto, click the link to the 2007 pages and complete and return the event pro forma in the flavour of 2007 events section.

Events will take place throughout the year, with the programme structured around six key periods:


Opening event


Gala re-opening of St George's Hall – one of the UK’s finest neo-classical buildings


Historical pageant
Maritime heritage event


Launch of major history exhibition
Children’s parties in schools


Slavery Remembrance Day
Launch of International Museum of Slavery
Mathew Street Music Festival
Main birthday celebration on 28th


Extended Heritage Open Days - culminating in a local history convention/conference at St George's Hall

In addition, a packed programme of community activity is already under development, including a series of street parties across the city.

Liverpool has also developed a special free-to-use brand, enabling groups and organisations to show their support for the 2007 celebrations.

To find out more Liverpool’s 800th, access the 2007 logo, and get more information on European Capital of Culture 2008, visit:

For further information please contact:

Stockton Heath Library Stockton Heath Library
St George's Hall, Liverpool

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