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The Skills map – a real opportunity

09 October 2006

The Skills Map – what is it?

The Skills Map is a database of the skills and research interests of people who work in museums, libraries, archives, universities and other cultural institutions around the North West.

The Skills Map also includes details of collections cared for by the region’s museums, libraries and archives

It is being developed by the University of Manchester, with the support of MLA North West, to build relationships between cultural assets and academics and post-graduate students in the region.

It builds on the successful pilot work carried out so far by the University of Manchester with such organisations as the People’s History Museum and Manchester Museum.

To view the website and for further details please log onto

The Skills Map - key aims

To unlock the academic resources in the region and utilise them to develop a better understanding of the North West’s heritage.

The Skills Map aims to develop strong and productive partnerships between the academic and cultural sectors

  • By developing a thorough understanding of the needs of both the academic and cultural sectors in the region
  • By enabling those in the cultural sector to utilise the excellent academic resources in the region
  • By using academic resources to better understand the collections and cultural heritage in the region
  • By creating new networks of those with a knowledge, interest or expertise in a particular area

It will enable more and better scholarship

The Skills map – We need you!

You are invited to register on the skills map if:

  • You have applied or research scholarship skills
  • You have practical skills or expertise in a collection or subject area
  • You work in a museum, library and archives that cares for un-catalogued or un-researched collections
  • You will have control over what information is shown on your profile. Your email address will not be displayed; instead you will be contacted via a form built into the Skills Map.

If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact:

Skills Map, Postgraduate Office, School of Arts, Histories and Cultures, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL

T: 0161 275 3189

Stockton Heath Library Stockton Heath Library
St George's Hall, Liverpool

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