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Fulfilling their Potential in North West Libraries

18 June 2007

Over 800 young people in the North West have been involved in making key decisions about what they want from the regions libraries. This groundbreaking project, Fulfilling their Potential, managed by the Reading Agency, will celebrate the project at a special event on 27 June in Preston. The event marks the publication of three evaluation reports, evidencing the impact that FtP Now has made so far on young people and libraries across the region. The evaluation shows that FtP Now has:

  • Been successful in reaching significant numbers of young people from across the region
  • Enabled library staff from across the North West to develop their skills and confidence in working positively with young people
  • Encouraged library staff across the region to share good practice and learn from one another’s experience.

Young people have been involved with North West libraries in a variety of ways in the past two years, including setting up and reading websites to visiting local bookshops to select books for their local library and training library staff in being ‘young people-friendly’.

To find out more or to attend the event where best selling teen author Melvin Burgess will join over 30 young people from the region to talk about their experience, contact

Stockton Heath Library Stockton Heath Library
St George's Hall, Liverpool

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