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Culture North West launches regional knowledge portal

20 July 2007

This week, Culture Northwest launched the Northwest Culture Observatory, a knowledge portal providing online access to cross-sector and region-wide cultural research, data and intelligence.

This knowledge portal is the first of its kind in the region and already holds over 300 pieces of research and intelligence uploaded prior to its launch from regional and national partners including MLA North West.

The Observatory Online focuses on cultural research and data that underpins the development of the North West's cultural sector.

Loyd Grossman, Chair, Culture Northwest said: “This is a very exciting technological development for the sector. For the first time in the Northwest partners can access and showcase groundbreaking culture sector research and intelligence which will not only inform strategic decision making but also provides a resource to help build individual intellectual capacity”.

Abigail Gilmore, Director, Northwest Culture Observatory said: “Thanks to our core partners, we are going live with this national exemplar. The Observatory Online will grow in breadth and depth as new partners engage, so log on now and search through the region’s best research and intelligence.”

The Northwest Culture Observatory online is funded through a partnership including Arts Council England, North West, Department for Culture, Media and Sport, English Heritage, Government Office for the North West, Museums, Libraries and Archives, North West, Northwest Regional Development Agency, Regional Intelligence Unit, North West Universities Association, Sport England.

To access the Northwest Culture Observatory log on to

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