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In this section you can read our latest news stories about MLA North West and associated projects, and news from the MLA partnership.

Liverpool to be party capital in 2007
06 September 2006
Liverpool is getting ready for the biggest birthday party the city has ever seen and Liverpool Culture Company would like to hear about events taking place to celebrate the city’s 800th
London 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games
05 September 2006
Delivering the Games will be a massive undertaking, requiring the provision of a whole range of goods and services from almost every sector, from construction, manufacturing, professional services, tourism, hospitality, leisure, marketing, merchandising, retail, food, media & creative industries. Businesses across the UK and beyond are starting to ask questions about the opportunities. Some will decide that they do not wish to participate, while others will see it as a “once-in-a life-time” opportunity.
Showing 41 to 42 of 42 records.
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Stockton Heath Library Stockton Heath Library
St George's Hall, Liverpool

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