The Museum Accreditation Scheme

The Accreditation Scheme for Museums in the United Kingdom sets nationally agreed standards for UK museums. To qualify, museums must meet clear basic requirements on:

  • Governance
  • User Services
  • Visitor Facilities
  • Collections Management

The scheme is administered nationally by the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council (MLA). MLA’s Accreditation Panel receives recommendations from the regional agencies according to their assessment of museums in their region. MLA North West makes recommendations regarding Accredited status for museums in the North West.

MLA North West’s Development Officer (Standards), Paul Fraser Webb, provides Accreditation assessment and advice for the region. If you have any questions or require any advice on Accreditation then please contact him using the details below.

The Accredited status of a museum often forms part of the criteria for funding organisations, including the Heritage Lottery Fund.

The Audit Commission, the independent watchdog for local government, has confirmed that Museum Accreditation will form the basis of a performance indicator within the culture service assessment of the Comprehensive Performance Assessment (CPA), the means by which local councils in England, and the services that they provide to the public, are assessed. Follow the link below for more details.

How to Apply

All museums in the North West which are currently Phase 2 Registered, Provisionally Registered, or undergoing a new application, will be invited by MLA North West to apply over a phased 5 year period. Click on the link to the MLA North West Briefing document below for more details.

If you are not already Registered and would like to apply for Accreditation then you need to contact our Development Officer (Standards), Paul Fraser Webb, whose details can be found below.

Further Information

There is a whole range of further information and support material available to museums considering applying or actually applying for Accreditation. Please have a look at the related links and documents below.

Related Links:

Collections Link Accreditation Pages, including a link to the Accreditation Resource Directory;

MDA’s “Documentation for Museum Accreditation” Pages 

MLA Council’s Accreditation Home Page 

MLA’s introduction to The Accreditation Scheme for Museums in the United Kingdom 

Museum Accreditation and Comprehensive Performance Assessment – a guide for museums and local authorities 

Sample copy of the Accreditation Application Form 

The Accreditation Standard 
Related Documents:

Are you ready for Accreditation?
AreyoureadyforAccreditation_MLANW_.pdf (84 KB)  

Documents of supporting evidence
Documentsofsupportingevidence_MLANW_.pdf (78 KB)  

MLA North West briefing on Registration and the New Museum Accreditation Scheme
Registrationbriefing.pdf (51 KB)  

Step by step guide to the online application form
Stepbystepguidetotheonlineform_MLANW_.pdf (1036 KB)  

For further information please contact:

Paul Fraser Webb, Development Officer (Standards)
T: 01925 625054

MLA North West
Ground Floor, The Malt Building, Wilderspool Park, Greenalls Avenue, Warrington WA4 6HL
Tel: 01925 625050 | Fax: 01925 243453
