
MLA North West is working with museums, libraries and archives in the North West to ensure that disabled people can access their services and collections.

MLA North West is addressing the disability agenda by sharing good practice, information and ideas. We aim to:

  • build partnerships with organisations who promote and fund diversity and disability work regionally and nationally, in order to share benefits with museums, libraries and archives in the North West
  • publish good practice case studies
  • assist museums, libraries and archives to find disability trainers and auditors in the North West

Disability Discrimination Act
The Disability Discrimination Act was passed in 1995 to end the discrimination that faced many disabled people. It is designed to protect disabled people in:

  • employment
  • access to goods, facilities and services
  • the management, buying or renting of land or property
  • education

From this year (2004), all service providers are required by law to make reasonable adjustments to the physical features of their premises to overcome physical barriers to access.

Disability Portfolio
To help museums, archives and libraries meet the needs of disabled users and employees, the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council (MLA) has produced a Disability Portfolio. The collection of 12 guides provides practical advice on developing inclusive services and also includes contact details for organisations who can offer further advice and support.

For more information, and resources related to disability, see:

Related Links:

Database of disability auditors and trainers

Disability Discrimination Act 1995

Disability Rights Commission

MLA’s Disability Portfolio

For further information please contact:

Nicola Siminson, Learning and Access Officer
T: 01925 625059

MLA North West
Ground Floor, The Malt Building, Wilderspool Park, Greenalls Avenue, Warrington WA4 6HL
Tel: 01925 625050 | Fax: 01925 243453

Source: https://mlanorthwest.org.uk/ourwork/learningandaccess/disability/index.asp