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The diversity agenda is about valuing difference. It is about the range of visible and non-visible differences that exist between people. These differences include those relating to ethnicity and race, class, intellectual and physical ability, urban and rural living, faith and gender, sexuality and age. Celebrating diversity is about recognising that everyone is different and respecting and encouraging those differences for the benefits of all.

The diversity agenda for museums, libraries and archives is about engaging with and representing local communities. People with different backgrounds and attitudes bring fresh ideas, perceptions and world views. A diverse organisation can draw upon the widest range of experiences in order to respond to the needs of the community it serves and make services relevant, inclusive and accessible. It involves developing new audiences, innovative approaches to collection development and interpretation and transforming the services delivered.

For information about our projects and initiatives relating to diversity, please see the links below:

Related Links:


Commission for Racial Equality 

Moving Here: 

For further information please contact Nicola Siminson, Learning and Access Officer
T: 01925 625059.

Stockton Heath Library Stockton Heath Library
St George's Hall, Liverpool

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