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Social inclusion

In 1998, the Social Inclusion Unit defined social exclusion as:

‘a shorthand term for what can happen when people or areas suffer from a combination of linked problems such as employment, poor skills, low incomes, poor housing, high crime environments, bad health, poverty, and family breakdown'.

(Bringing Britain together: a national strategy for neighbourhood renewal, Social Exclusion Unit 1998)

MLA North West believes that the region’s museums, libraries and archives have a key role in engaging with socially excluded individuals. We are committed to broadening access to cultural resources and learning for all.

The Museums, Libraries and Archives Council (MLA) has produced a toolkit called Access for All, which has been designed to address the social inclusion agenda.

For information on our projects and initiatives relating to social inclusion, please see the links below:

Related Links:

Bringing Britain together: a national strategy for neighbourhood renewal 

MLA Access for All toolkit 

Neighbourhood Renewal & Social Inclusion: the role of museums, archives and libraries 

Social Exclusion Unit, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 

Social inclusion and libraries: a resource guide 

For further information please contact:

Jo Ward, Learning and Access Officer
T: 01925 625069

Stockton Heath Library Stockton Heath Library
St George's Hall, Liverpool

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