Community profiling

In May 2002 Regeneris were commissioned to undertake a community profiling exercise which would help MLA North West to work more strategically and to help museums, libraries and archives in the North West identify the needs of their local communities.

The first phase of the project sought to establish external agencies with whom MLA North West could work in targeting communities of interest. The exercise also sought to provide a quantitative profile of various communities of interest across the region, and in particular local areas. The following four broad community interest groups were identified as a focus for the project:

  • ethnic minority groups
  • those with poor skills and low educational attainment
  • disabled groups
  • socially excluded (including exclusion in both urban areas)

Related Documents:

Community profiling guidance notes
Communityprofilingguidancenotes.pdf (110 KB)  

Data profiles for the North West region and Salford and Knowsley
Dataprofiles.pdf (1615 KB)  

Stakeholder mapping for the North West region and Blackburn, Knowsley, Macclesfield, Salford and South Lakeland
Stakeholdermapping.pdf (720 KB)  

For further information please contact Jane Fletcher, Learning and Access Officer
T: 01768 895778

MLA North West
Ground Floor, The Malt Building, Wilderspool Park, Greenalls Avenue, Warrington WA4 6HL
Tel: 01925 625050 | Fax: 01925 243453
