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Training and events
MLA North West training and events

Archives in museums training day

Date: 06 December 2007
Location: MLA North West, Warrington
Duration: 10.00 - 16.30
Cost: Free

10.00 Registration and coffee
10.15 Welcome and Domestics
10.20 Introduction and Context: What are Archives? How do museums manage them?
11.20 Break
11.40 Greater Manchester Police Museum case study: Using Police Aliens’ Registers as a resource for family history and community engagement
12.50 Lunch
13.50 Physical care of archive collections: Storage, preservation, conservation & handling
14.50 Tea
15.10 Using archive collections: Access for users, exhibitions, cataloguing, reproduction
16.15 Questions and Close

By the end of the day, participants will have considered:

  • Why museums hold archives, what distinguishes them from their other collections and why this is important
  • Practical strategies for the appropriate physical care of collections
  • Successful ways of exploiting archive collections to attract visitors, complement exhibitions, develop new users and to promote the museum

Each participant will provided with copies of presentation slides and key documents

The day will take the format of a seminar with some group work sessions

The course content is aimed at people with an active involvement in the museum world and is particularly suited to both qualified, non-qualified and volunteer museum staff working in smaller institutions without the benefit of professional support for their archive collections

The training will be delivered by Jon Newman, a local authority archivist and archive and museum consultant, and Duncan Broady, curator of the Greater Manchester Police Museum

A sandwich lunch and refreshments are include on the course

There are a maximum of 20 places, to book your place please contact Diane Rushbrook at MLA North West:
T: 01925 625050
F: 01925 643453

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