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The Designation Scheme aims to reveal and protect England’s cultural heritage through the identification of outstanding collections in museums, libraries and archives. It celebrates and promotes the nation’s most culturally valuable collections.

Since 1997 non-national museums have been able to apply for designated collection status and there are 12 such collections in the North West across 8 institutions. A £20 million Designation Challenge Fund was instituted by the DCMS to support these museum collections and increase public access.

The Designation Scheme is now being extended to libraries and archives and between 30 and 40 collections will be recognised with designated status in this round of applications. All prospective applicants are asked to discuss their application with MLA North West staff at the earliest opportunity.

The proven benefits of identifying a designated collection include:

  • strengthened governance
  • creation of a focus for awareness and profile building
  • promotional opportunities for your collection
  • enhanced fundraising ability

The deadline for applications in this round will be in March 2005.

For more information, see:

Related Links:

Designated museum collections in the UK 

Designation Challenge Fund 

Information on new round of Designation 

North West Designated museum collections 

St George's Hall, Liverpool Stockton Heath Library
Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester

Supported by Museums, Libraries and Archives Council

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