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Museums Libraries Archives
North West region
North West Museums Hub
North West Regional Archive Council

Access all Areas

Access All Areas is a major project, currently under development, to improve access to archives in the region, across around 24 archive offices.

Access All Areas is a major project, currently under development, to improve access to archives in the region, across around 24 archive offices. The proposed 5 year project will bring together cataloguing work identified in the Logjam project and develop current and new audiences for archives. In particular we will:

  • recruit 5 audience development specialists, 1 for each of the sub regions, to work with the partner archive services to develop new audiences for archives and the collections covered by the project in particular.
  • employ archivists to catalogue approximately 190 priority collections to international standards, making these catalogues available online via a strand of the proposed National Archives Network.
  • train a number of graduates to undertake some of the cataloguing work and qualify as archivists, as there is a shortage in the region.

The first stage of the project is to plan the audience development work which will be completed in January 2005.

If you would like to show your support for the project, please complete the Access All Areas support form.

Please contact:

Janice Tullock, Archives Development Officer
T: 01925 625062

St George's Hall, Liverpool Stockton Heath Library
Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester

Supported by Museums, Libraries and Archives Council

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