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North West Regional Archive Council

Regional Archive Strategy

Since 2001 we have been working along with NWRAC to implement this ambitious development strategy for archives. We are currently reviewing this work prior to writing a new strategy for the next 4 years and would like to seek your opinions on developments. We are keen to ensure that ALL archivists, archive users and stakeholders have an opportunity to participate in this process. Views will be sought via questionnaires, interviews and a workshop.

We would therefore be grateful if you could complete the short questionnaire below on behalf of the consultant reviewing the strategy. Replies should be sent to Nigel Rudyard, 28 Sutton Close, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 7RW or email by 31st March.

Related Documents:

Forward Together 2001-2004
Finalinside2.pdf (739 KB)  

Strategy Questionnaire
PractitionerQuestionnaire-ActionAllAreas.pdf (138 KB)  

For more information, please contact:

Chris Chadwick, Head of Development
T: 01925 625053

St George's Hall, Liverpool Stockton Heath Library
Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester

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