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Social Inclusion and Advocacy Seminars

MLA North West has asked Jean Beck Associates to undertake a series of training opportunities in the North West Two focusing on advocacy skills for museums, libraries and archives staff, and two concentrating on social inclusion, these will be held at locations in Preston and Manchester. The events will be free of charge.

Developing advocacy skills for museums, libraries and archives staff

By the end of the event you will;

  • understand the importance of political lobbying to relevant stakeholders,
  • understand the importance of advocacy for all levels of staff,
  • understand the need to influence all stakeholders including customers on behalf of your service,
  • be aware of the different styles of negotiating behaviours,
  • be able to communicate the need for advocacy to all staff

Social Inclusion and Museums, Libraries and Archives: one day event

By the end of the event you will;

  • understand what is social inclusion and social exclusion,
  • understand the range of government initiatives tackling social exclusion,
  • understand the potential role and contribution museums, libraries and archives have to offer,
  • be able to communicate ideas and examples of good practice to staff
  • begin to action plan for your service or department.

Dates and locations are:


Advocacy event

Tickled Trout Hotel, Preston


Social Inclusion event

Tickled Trout Hotel, Preston


Advocacy event

Manchester Museum


Social Inclusion event

Manchester Museum

Further details about the seminars and draft programmes are available on the attached documents.

Related Documents:

Advocacy flyer
AdvocacyflyerAugust2004.doc (26 KB)  

Advocacy programme
AdvocacyprogrammeAug2004.doc (24 KB)  

Social inclusion flyer
SocialInclusionflyer2jun2004.doc (27 KB)  

Social inclusion programme
SocialInclusionprogrammeJun2004.doc (25 KB)  

To book please contact:

MLA North West admin team,
T: 01925 625050 F: 01925 243453

St George's Hall, Liverpool Stockton Heath Library
Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester

Supported by Museums, Libraries and Archives Council

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