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Museum Development Fund

The government’s Renaissance in the Regions programme has allocated a total of £220,000 to the North West region to support the strategic needs of non-Hub museums and galleries during 2004-2006. MLA North West has split this into two strands:

  • a grants programme
  • development funding which is being used to support sub-regional networks across the region and to fund strategic museum projects.

The Museum Development Fund grant programme has a total of £140,000 to allocate. So far, 14 museums have successfully applied for approximately £68,000 in the first round which closed in September 2004. £72,000 is available for the next round. Museums can bid for a maximum of £5000 individually, or more if the bid is a joint partnership with other museums.

We are now accepting applications for the next round which closes on 7th February 2005. Copies of the Museum Development Fund guidelines and application form are available to download below.

Related Documents:

MDF Application Form
MDFApplicationForm.pdf (65 KB)  

MDF Guidelines
MDFGuidelines.pdf (95 KB)  

For more information, please contact:

Claire McDade, Museums Development Officer
T: 01925 625064

St George's Hall, Liverpool Stockton Heath Library
Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester

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