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The Regional Museums' Strategy

Celebrating our Cultural Heritage: Investing in a future for all

MLA North West, the North West Museums’ Hub and Culture Northwest have worked in partnership to produce a five year, forward-looking strategy for the region’s museums.

The aim of the strategy is to position the region’s museums and galleries at the leading edge of cultural life in the UK. It promotes the North West’s museums and galleries as some of the most vibrant and innovative in Europe.

MLA North West, the North West Museums Hub and the museums and galleries in the region will work together with other partners to maximise the benefits that our cultural assets can bring to people who live in and visit the region.

We commissioned a detailed consultation exercise as part of development of the development of this strategy. The wealth of information captured by this process is contained in a separate document Evidence towards a regional strategy for North West Museums and Galleries.

To view particular sections of the evidence document, please click on the relevant chapter heading of your choice:

1. Survey of Regional Museums – Quantitative Analysis
2. Survey of Regional Museums – Qualitative Analysis
3. Survey of Regional Museums – Partners For Action
4. Survey of Regional Museums – Market Context
5. Appendix A – Summary of North West Regional Strategy
6. Appendix B – Consultation Documents
7. Economic Impact Survey by Regeneris

Please contact:

Jon Finch, Head of Policy and Development
T 01925 625061
E [email protected]

St George's Hall, Liverpool Stockton Heath Library
Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester

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