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The Museum Accreditation Scheme

Registration is a minimum standards scheme that measures museum performance against accepted professional standards in the UK. It is administered nationally by the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council (MLA). MLA’s registration panel receive recommendations from the regional agencies according to their assessment of museums in their region. MLA North West makes recommendations regarding registered status for museums in the North West.

The registered status of a museum often forms part of the criteria for funding organisations, including the Heritage Lottery Fund.

Museum Accreditation Scheme
In November 2004, the registration scheme for museums in the UK was relaunched under the new name of the Museum Accreditation Scheme.

All museums in the North West which are currently Phase 2 registered, provisionally registered, or undergoing a new application, will be invited by MLA North West to apply over a phased 5 year period.

For more information, see below:

Related Links:

The registration scheme 
Related Documents:

MLA North West briefing on Registration and the New Museum Accreditation Scheme
Registrationbriefing.pdf (51 KB)  

Please contact:

Claire McDade, Museums Development Officer
T: 01925 625064

St George's Hall, Liverpool Stockton Heath Library
Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester

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