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Pilot Economic Impact Study

MLA North West and Bolton MBC are working together to undertake a unique piece of work to identify the economic impact of the museums, libraries and archives run by the local authority.

The project will use an adapted version of the Contingent Valuation methodology successfully utilised by the British Library last year. The key partners are looking to gain a thorough understanding of the value placed by communities and stakeholders on such a local authority service.

The project will also develop a toolkit that can be used by other museums, libraries and archives to undertake similar surveys on their own organisation.

The project brief is attached for further information, as is a link to a press release concerning the British Library project

Related Links:

British Library Press Release 
Related Documents:

Pilot Economic Impact study brief
ProjectBriefFinal.doc (101 KB)  

For further details please contact:

Jon Finch, Head of Policy
T: 01925 625061

St George's Hall, Liverpool Stockton Heath Library
Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester

Supported by Museums, Libraries and Archives Council

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