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The North West's most inspiring adult learners pick up awards

23 May 2005

Inspiring stories of triumph over adversity have earned adult learners from across the North West prestigious accolades in the one small step awards, as their hard work and commitment was celebrated at a special awards ceremony in Manchester on Thursday (May 19).

An 88-year-old charity worker, a mother-of-five from Pakistan and a former homeless drug addict were among winners in this year’s one small step Adult Learners’ Week Awards, presented at a ceremony at URBIS.

The awards’ scheme is part of a wider, national campaign for Adult Learners’ Week (May 21-27), which aims to promote and advance all forms of adult learning. The one small step awards - co-ordinated by MLA North West, the regional agency for museums, libraries and archives, in partnership with a number of other organisations - highlight learning opportunities and the benefits of learning to individuals and communities across the North West.

There were 16 awards, in nine categories, with specific awards for NHS learners, basic skills students, over 50s learners and anyone learning with the support of regional museums, libraries and archives. Organisations and volunteers who enrich the experience of learners by providing information, advice and support - and help ‘make learning happen’ – were also honoured.

The awards were open to anyone from the North West, aged over 19, who was involved in formal or informal learning - whether for personal, professional or academic development, or simply for pleasure - over the past 12 months.

Clare Connor, Chief Executive of MLA North West, said: “These awards celebrate the achievements of the region’s learners - people who find the time and creativity to learn something new.

“Once again this year we have some very worthy winners, whose stories will offer inspiration to others and hopefully encourage more adults to try learning for themselves.”

The awards’ scheme was delivered in partnership with the National Institute for Adult Continuing Education (NIACE) and the BBC, and is sponsored by the Greater Manchester Strategic Health Authority, Manchester Basic Skills Consortium, Learning and Skills Council Greater Manchester and the Manchester Life Long Learning Partnership.

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