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In Focus magazine
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In Focus magazine

In Focus is MLA North West’s magazine. It is published 3 times per year and focuses on a different theme for each issue.

The theme for the first issue is learning, with particular reference to the new vision for inclusive learning in museums, libraries and archives – Inspiring Learning for All.

The theme for the next issue, due in February/March 2005, will be public relations and managing the media. If you would like to contribute an article or suggest a theme for later issues, please contact:

Hazel McCormack, Information Officer
E .
T 01925 625070

To order a hard copy of the latest edition of In Focus, please contact:
T 01925 625050

In Focus magazine issue 3
September 2005
Issue 3 focuses on funding and fundraising including a guide to writing a winning funding bid, advice on starting up a corporate membership scheme and information on how you can recover your core costs for project funding.
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In Focus magazine issue 2
April 2005
Issue 2 - The spring edition of In Focus, MLA North West's triannual magazine. This edition focuses on PR and media relations, with particular reference to 2004's successful Archive Awareness Campaign.
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In Focus magazine issue 1
September 2004
The first issue of MLA North West’s magazine. The theme for the first issue is learning, with particular reference to the new vision for inclusive learning in museums, libraries and archives – Inspiring Learning for All.
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