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People's Network launches live-chat 'Enquire' service

31 May 2005

A new era for the People’s Network has begun with the launch of Enquire, a new 24 hour, ‘live-chat’ and email service.

People’s Network Enquire will deliver information to the public by providing online access to library and information staff across England, the United States and Canada.

Public Libraries already deliver essential information services in communities all over the country. The new Enquire service provides an online route to the expert staff.

Enquire is available online at

MLA Chief Executive Chris Batt said: "Enquire is designed to get answers to people wherever they are, night and day. It is a route to the librarian’s expertise without ever crossing the library threshold. This is a demonstration of how the digital revolution can improve one of the greatest traditions of the public library.

The full suite of Peoples Network online services, including innovative discovery and reading based services, will be officially launched to the public in October.

Managed nationally by the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council (MLA), People’s Network Enquire is being delivered by Co-East, a libraries partnership in the East of England and OCLC Pica, and by public library staff in over 40 local authorities, all of whom have signed up to pioneer this new online service.

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Stockton Heath Library

Supported by Museums, Libraries and Archives Council

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