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MLA announce bursaries for sector conferences

As part of its commitment to developing the workforce, the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council (MLA) is again offering to sponsor places at three major sector conferences taking place in 2005.

As part of its commitment to developing the workforce, the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council (MLA) is again offering to sponsor places at three major sector conferences taking place in 2005.

The £10,000 sponsorship is divided equally between the three domains with the Society of Archivists, the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals and Museums Association each managing the nomination process for their respective workforce.

This year in order to support a broader understanding of the issues which cut across museums, libraries and archives the funding will be used exclusively for cross-domain sponsorship enabling museum, archive and library staff to attend conferences other than their own. This is an opportunity to develop a greater understanding of common concerns and to establish contacts in a wider arena.

The conferences for which sponsorship is available are:

  • Umbrella Conference 2005

    Organised by CILIP: the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals this UK library event will be held at the University of Manchester on 30 June to 2 July 2005 with the theme 'Tackling the key issues together'.

  • The Museums Association Conference 2005

    The Museum Association's annual conference and exhibition will be held at the QEII Conference Centre, London on 24 October to 26 October.

  • The Society of Archivists Conference 2005

    The Society of Archivists Conference 2005, entitled ‘From Parchment to Pictures to Pixels’, will look at many aspects of archival preservation and access in this electronic age, and will take place at the University of East Anglia from 2.00 p.m. on Tuesday, 6 September to the afternoon of Friday, 9 September inclusive.

For further Information on applying to attend a conference please contact the appropriate professional association.

Library staff wishing to attend either the 2005 Museums Association Conference or Society of Archivists Conference, should contact Sue Brown at Cilip

Museum staff wishing to attend either the 2005 Umbrella (Libraries) Conference or the Society of Archivists Conference, should contact Lorraine O’Leary at the Museums Association

Archive staff wishing to attend either the 2005 Museums Association Conference or Umbrella, should contact Stephen Harwood at the Society of Archivists

In the event of applications exceeding available places priority will be given to non-managerial and frontline staff who do not usually have the opportunity to attend a conference. Delegates who receive sponsorship will be asked to write a short summary of their experience and learning at conference for their sponsoring professional association that may be published in the trade journals.

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Supported by Museums, Libraries and Archives Council

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