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Catalyst Conference

Catalyst - a major international conference exploring cultural entitlement, hosted by the cities of Liverpool and Manchester, is set to take place from 15th to 17th September 2005. The conference is sponsored by the UK Government as part of its Presidency of the European Union in 2005.

Catalyst also incorporates the first national conference of the Regional Cultural Consortiums England (RCCE), offering another valuable strand to the conference for UK delegatesin particular.

Catalyst will bring together a wide range of European practitioners, academics, politicians and writers to explore the future of cultural entitlement. As such, this is a unique opportunity for UK cultural policymakers and practitioners to hear and participate in leading-edge discussion from across the UK, Europe and beyond.

This is your opportunity to participate in leading-edge debates on the issues and policies affecting cultural policy and practice on an international level.

Catalyst is the pre-eminent cultural conference of the year, fittingly hosted by two of the most vibrant cultural centres in Europe. Delegates will have the opportunity to see first-hand the latest developments in both Liverpool and Manchester.

Related Documents:

Catalyst Conference
CatalysteBulletin.pdf (506 KB)  

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