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Free for all...

In a recent announcement by the Chancellor, the People’s History Museum in Manchester has now been included in the extension of the Government's free access commitment and VAT refund scheme. Gordon Brown confirmed the decision at a reception he hosted at 11 Downing Street for the museum in July. This has enabled the museum to drop its £1 admission charge for adults.

Starting from yesterday (9 August) the museum is now officially free to all visitors. Commenting on the decision, Director Dr Nick Mansfield said;
“We are delighted with this news which will improve public access. It is a great opportunity and we hope it will mean that more people will be able to come to enjoy and learn from the collections in the museum”.
Our new changing exhibition, Crime and Punishment 1800-2000, opened a few weeks ago and is already proving popular with both adults and children. Come along to find out more about working people and crime - both as victims and perpetrators. Enter the reconstruction prison cell, put yourself in the stocks, dress up as a prisoner or would you prefer to be the police? What do you think should be made illegal? Or legal? Contribute to the graffiti wall – do you think it’s art or vandalism?

For further information, please contact Catharine Rew, Deputy Director on
T: 0161 839 6061

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