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People’s Network

The People’s Network is a national scheme to provide public access to the internet and other information and communications technology (ICT) services in every public library.

The People’s Network is a real success story, and now offers:

  • Access for all members of the community, including help for those with disabilities
  • Help in using e-government services offered by councils and government departments
  • Taster sessions and access to online learning, such as Learndirect
  • Valuable information, for example, on local community groups or local and family history

MLA North West's current work in this area includes:

  • Evaluating the success of the People's Network
  • Encouraging libraries in the region to participate in further national developments, such as the 'Enquire' on-line enquiry service
  • Participating in the national procurement project for electronic reference sources

Related Links:


MLA People’s Network 

For further information please contact Alan Boughey, Libraries Development Officer
T: 01925 625 063

Stockton Heath Library Bolton Museums and Art Gallery
Stockton Heath Library

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